Future of Tibet

Poster for Future of Tibet Paris conference.

The second Future of Tibet conference will take place in Paris, France from November 25-27, 2022. Tibetans in Europe are invited to join us for three days of talks, discussions and workshopping.

The aim of the second conference is to create a coherent sequence of plausible segments that create vivid, compelling stories about what the future could look like for Tibet. The conference hopes to initiate discussion about the future of Tibet, especially with Tibetans living inside Tibet.

There will be expert panels and speakers, but also plenty of room for everybody to take part and exchange ideas. Confirmed participants include Tibetan education expert Dr Gyal Lo (Canada), Buddhist scholar Geshe Thubten Jinpa (virtual), activist and community organizer Chemi Lhamo (Canada), University of Colorado Boulder anthropology Ph.D. candidate Dawa Lokyitsang (virtual), poet and filmmaker Jangbu (France), University of Edinburgh (Masters) and Druktalk podcast host Drukthar Gyal (United Kingdom), Oxford University Ph.D candidate Darig Thokmay (United Kingdom) and many more…

Registration for Paris

Full Rate - 45 USD

Student Rate - 15 USD

Future of Tibet was established on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Tibetan Youth Congress and the Tibetan Youth Association of Europe by Wangpo Tethong, a former member of Tibetan parliament in Exile (Europe) and Tashi Namgyal, a former member of Tibetan parliament in exile (North America). The initiative was supported by many former central executive members of the Tibetan Youth Congress and the Tibetan Youth Association in Europe, and a large majority of its former presidents and its founding members.

Future Tibet was established to strengthen the Tibetan Freedom Movement in the international community.

In awareness of the lifelong responsibility for the Tibetan cause, and with a strong sense of gratitude for having had the chance to serve our people in various capacities, including the Tibetan youth organization, we felt that the time has now come to get together. We believe in the strength of unity as well as in the force of diversity. We might not subscribe to the same political convictions but believe in the value of truthful dialog. Moreover, we share a common belief that with the political changes in the world and in China, the Tibetan Freedom Movement needs a reflection about its future course.

The first of the three gatherings of ‘Future of Tibet’ was conducted in Washington, DC on April 9-10, 2022, where participants contributed to the general discussion about the future of the Tibetan people with a special focus on how to better understand how the Tibetans inside Tibet think about the future. The next gatherings will take place in the coming months, one in Paris, and the last in India.

Future of Tibet
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